Sorry about the looooong lag time in between updates, people. Life's been hectic, and unfortunately, Bounty Hunter got put to the side for a bit. Good news is, I'm back working on it again. Still hoping to get the Zero issue out before or at the same time as War of the Independents #1. Although.....
...I've done a little restructuring with my planned release schedule. Since the Zero issue doesn't really feature Bounty Hunter in costume very much, being the origin story and all, I've decided to have him appear in a team-up book with two other indie characters first. The characters are Chris McQuaid's Celtic Shaman, and Scott Claringbold and Marc Olivent's Rabid. We're working on the script right now.
And for people who think I've gotten nothing accomplished at all, there is a ten page back-up story for a future issue of Bounty Hunter already in the can, featuring Rabid. Here's a page the final page for you to peek at.

That's Rabid, Bounty Hunter and Golden Age classic, the Skyman. Wheeeeeeee! The story itself is by Scott and Marc, with the last two pages scripted by myself and Marc. Marc did the art for the story.
I have also started work on a short novel chronicling the adventures of Bounty Hunter before he gets the superpowers, called Darren Walters: Bounty Hunter The Super-Hero Killings, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Anyway, that's it for now. Hopefully the next update will come a lot faster then this one did.
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